# My dot files managed by [ChezMoi](https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi)
Built around Bash. Most supervitamined replacements stay optional.
## My friend programs
- fish shell, fisher plugin manager
- bash, [starship](https://starship.rs/) super prompt,
[ls exa](https://github.com/rivy/rust.exa)
- terminal multiplexer: [tmux](https://github.com/tmux/tmux), plugin manager
[tpm](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm) and session manager
- a swiss-knife to make life easier: [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf)
- git: configuration and the terminal manager
- vim: [vundle](https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim)
- languages: python, perl, java with [sdkman](https://sdkman.io/)
## Configuration file
a sample file (located in _~/config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml_)
# unix username
username = ""
# git configuration
git_email = ""
git_alias = ""
# fzf search path for "p" command
projectdir = "~/work"
# deployment path for "d" command (java deploy)
deploydir = "~/dist"
# extra certificate for NodeJs (PEM file) to trust HTTPS proxy
extra_ca_cert = "~/config/security/ca-node.pem"
# Java truststore for Maven to trust HTTPS proxy
java_truststore_file = "~/config/security/extra-truststore.jks"
java_truststore_password = "secret"
# docker compose bin
docker_compose_command = "/usr/bin/docker compose"
# tmux favorite shortcuts CTRL-ALT-1, CTRL-ALT-2, CTRL-ALT-3, CTRL-ALT-4
tmux_favorite1 = "cd my_favorite_path"
tmux_favorite2 = "sudo su"
tmux_favorite3 = "myusualsshpassword"
tmux_favorite4 = "export TERM=xterm"