Go to file
Yax 0ff2cab681 Note Arch
.github/workflows Install Cargo in Alpine container
docker Poetry sucks
layout Optimize CSS
nginx local testing uses SSL (thanks to traefik.me)
notes Note Arch
posts Rye migration. Mistune upgrade
static Optimize CSS
test init
.coveragerc test
.gitignore use make without arguments for local and remote build
.travis.yml test
Dockerfile Fix python bin name
LICENSE.md init
Makefile Rye migration. Mistune upgrade
README.md add notes
build.sh poetry run ./build.sh calls pyinstaller
check_git.sh remove trace
makesite.py Rye migration. Mistune upgrade
makesite.spec spec file for pyinstaller
monitor.py configure local testing
params-local.json lite CSS: use system fonts
params.json update stacosys URI
pyproject.toml Rye migration. Mistune upgrade
requirements-dev.lock Rye migration. Mistune upgrade
requirements.lock Rye migration. Mistune upgrade


Blog du Yax

This blog is built on top of the great work performed by fspaolo on Makesite.py. I cut some features and wristed the code to focus on blog posts and support my commenting system. You should check fspaolo's repository to really understand Makesite.py's philosophy and find technical details.

This static blog generator code is under MIT license.

"Blog du Yax" content is under CC-BY-NC-SA